osto original section posted 6.2017

9/11 & global economic manipulation

With over 15 years of research, data, and an ever increasing influx of whistleblowers, the full scope on 9/11 is heavily documented. Just because the TV doesn't talk about it, doesn't mean the truth doesn't exist. Depending on your level of interest and existing knowledge on the subject, you can read our summary below or one of these three incredibly well-sourced summaries:

1 page summary • 59 page summary381 page full synopsis

Operations on 9/11 were overall very poorly executed, resulting in blatant smoking guns obvious to anyone willing to educate themselves. Plagued by scientific flaws and contradictions, the entire basis for the official government narrative (released through NIST) did not fool many. Most people are completely unaware that a third tower fell that day, despite no plane flying into it and no reported bombings. Known as WTC Building 7, it was suddenly reduced to rubble in controlled-demolition style, following suit with the twin towers' pattern of collapse. For WTC 7's collapse to be possible, the building had to be properly wired with a significant amount of explosives - telling us two important things: if it is possible for WTC 7 to be pre-wired for controlled demolition, it is not out of the question for towers 1 and 2. Second, it is clear that WTC 7 contained something of significance which had to be destroyed - but what?

Odd art student project - "Explosive Team"?

Odd art student project - "Explosive Team"?

One day after Bush was sworn in as POTUS, his brother Marvin Bush was handed a $50 million+ contract for his company Securacom to have carte blanche over security for not only the Twin Towers, but the Dulles airport (origin of flight 77 into the Pentagon). A mysterious group of foreign artists with construction access to the twin towers carried out an "art project" seemingly involving massive amounts of fuse holders and manipulating the face of the north tower precisely where the plane hit to read "E-Team". In a mind-blowing example of "hidden in plain sight", they even released a $600 book on Amazon detailing their "highly illegal and fully secret" operation.

Pentagon impact physics don't match; No wreckage

Pentagon impact physics don't match; No wreckage

The U.S. government says that a plane hit the Pentagon, despite their $130 billion missile defense system equipped to intercept missiles from unknown destinations traveling at over 10x the speed of a commercial airliner. When airliners crash, there are two key sections (fuselage and wings) that weigh several tons and are virtually indestructible - as no amount of fire or explosives would cause them to disappear entirely without leaving anything behind, let alone any seats or bodies. In the case of the Pentagon, none of these traces of a plane were found - which has never occurred throughout all recorded history of aircraft crashes. Despite this, somehow the alleged hijacker's passport was found unscathed on the front lawn and plastered all over the media.

In addition to the thousands of engineers, high-rise building experts, demolitions experts, and pilots, dozens of senior government officials (including military and intelligence agents) adamantly dispute the official narrative fed to the public surrounding 9/11. A prime example is John O'Neil, a veteran FBI "Special Agent in Charge" who got too close to the truth behind 9/11 before it happened, and lost his life trying to investigate further. In true mocking fashion, the powers that be relocated and "promoted" him to WTC head of security weeks before 9/11, sealing his fate inside the north tower when it came down. PBS still airs his documentary online, detailing his investigation and attempts to reveal the truth despite blatant pushback from superiors. Ground-zero witnesses and WTC employees like Barry Jennings who heard and saw too much that day - mysteriously died soon after. Why would so many well respected members of government and high society be willing to put their credibility, career, and life on the line to stand by their findings? Spoiler alert: because they know the truth, and they've seen enough evidence to know they're right.

From over 15 years of citizens investigations to university funded research by renowned experts in the field, the puzzle of precisely how 9/11 was executed is more or less pieced together - what truly matters however, is the why. In essence, 9/11 was a massive crime to cover up even more massive crimes occurring over previous decades. Forces representing the interests of many countries including Saudi Arabia, Israel, German, and even the Swiss aided in carrying out the attacks - but at the end of the day, 9/11 was a wholly American event created by American interests to "secure the national security of America", or so they say. This final article addressing motivations and responsible parties for 9/11 concludes Part One.