Trillion Dollar Babies

"When Truth Be Told" -

From CosmicGuy's Own Disclosure Music Collection.

It’s just business. The business of humans. Once all the dust settled on the ufo, lazerblaster and pretty spacegirl search your CosmicGuy was on and all that was left was evil and adrenochrome is people; it was instantly all too clear what this place is. The real answer to why it is so insane here is now clear. The “old ones” that have always known have been manipulating this fact for eons against every Immortal Spiritual Being presently trapped and or in prison here. See AQERTS TECH

"Billion Dollar Babies"

written by Alice Cooper in the early 70’s

Billion dollar baby
Rubber little lady, slicker than a weasel
Grimy as an alley
Loves me like no other lover

Billion dollar baby
Rubber little monster, baby, I adore you
Man or woman living couldn't love me like you, baby

We go dancing nightly in the attic
While the moon is rising in the sky
If I'm too rough, tell me
I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands

Billion dollar baby
I got you in the dimestore
No other little girl could ever hold you
Any tighter, any tighter than me, baby

Billion dollar baby
Reckless like a gambler, million dollar maybe
Foaming like a dog that's been infected by the rabies

We go dancing nightly in the attic
While the moon is rising in the sky
If I'm too rough, tell me
I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands

Million dollar baby
Billion dollar baby
Trillion dollar baby
Zillion dollar baby


in a mortal universe there are always going to be those willing to do anything to anyone for-

“a little more time.”


this pure evil animal got his “ya-yas” out by filming the snuff films of children being tortured raped and then murdered. oh and he and johnny depp were the best of pals. depp spent millions apparently “shooting thompsons remains out of a cannon.” Folks he was buying and destroying hunter s. thompson’s blackmail. When you are in that club your blackmail can out live you if you are not careful.


AMERICA: Governed By A Cult Of Death





A Caveman Knows A Blindman Can See It With His Cane ComAmerica, but you can't.