Human Energy?

david icke is not the only dot connector around here. ;)

2020-06-14 16_31_33-Notifications _ Twitter - Brave.png

Who Commissioned This Piece of “art?” What governing body issued a permit to put this on our streets?

Kansas has gone bye-bye ComAmerica.


Robert David Steele reveals the horrific truth

These biological computer suits (our corporeal bodies) could be the most sophisticated drug delivery system known to all sentient mortal beings throughout the Universe. These sentient mortal beings have captured sentient Immortal Spiritual Beings such as ourselves to power these drug making devices. No matter the name - adrenochrome - loosh - it’s all the same. In a consumption based Universe where everything eats itself it is logical that this abomination would manifest itself out of that perfect chaos. It is the classic haves and have nots’ scenario. The itch that some can scratch that others can not.

...not the picture you expected....but now you can see a pictorial representation of a Draconian connecting itself to the human body at the 3rd Chakra. The individual is in their blood line and is totally unaware of their influence over their though…

...not the picture you expected....but now you can see a pictorial representation of a Draconian connecting itself to the human body at the 3rd Chakra. The individual is in their blood line and is totally unaware of their influence over their thoughts and actions, hence the term: "zombie"...

The best trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing everyone he didn't exist. This is precisely the move used by the "cabal"  from their 'playbook' when faced with the insurmountable truth of their heinous actions against humanity. When the term "pizzagate" surfaced right before the 2016 presidential election, it was the first peek into a world of terror and horror that exists for many more human beings than is really known. There is a seamy underbelly to the world of human trafficking that not only touches but delves deep into the Disclosure Initiative as it exists because as your cosmic guy has said before, there is no denying the "dominos of truth".  Once you have accepted the facts of the Draconian influence on our civilization, one must accept that many of the traditions and rituals that spawned out of our past have direct links of truth to these Draco, including just exactly how much of a human can be consumed. As of this writing, the answer, is they can eat everything including the scream you can't hear in space.

Why is this reptile smiling? What does this statue represent to you? Humankind with hands tied, held in place by our captors, as we look up for salvation and freedom. That is what I get from this picture.

Ok, are you getting an uneasy feeling at the gut level yet? Did you even know these statues existed? Do you want to know what they represent? It's not pop-art people.

Human bodies with reptilian heads. Note: Nursing baby.

Again one must ask oneself, why does this statue exist? What does it represent? What are we supposed to glean from it? This thing looks real and frightening. (as in the dudetillian that posed for it)

What you need to know is our captors are very powerful both mentally and physically. They designed part of our brain. Are you familiar with the base portion of your brains name? That's right. The R-Complex or.......wait for it.....The Reptillian Complex.  

the evidence is hiding in plain sight.

2020-06-14 16_31_33-Notifications _ Twitter - Brave.png

Art? Or Fact?

Come now ComAmerica…are you even the slightest bit curious WTF is up with this bizarre “thing?” What could it be telling us?

This one just makes you scratch your head and hope and pray that whom ever made this sculpture ghoul thing was really high....and not channeling some horrific ritual the lizards have.

This picture was sent to me semi-anonymously. What do you see in that sphere, bubble thing on the left?

The truth is brutal, the truth is gore, the truth is a horror show....but the truth will indeed set YOU FREE.

The Draco do not hold the patent on Energy Vampirism. Seems it is rampant.

Our "loosh" is the CRACK of the Universe. We are the spice Malange' from the parable of Dune by Frank Herbert.

 Take the following INTEL link with a grain of salt, but perhaps no more than one grain. :c)  Click HERE to learn more.


How To Properly Bring Down And Replace A Corrupt EMPIRE.


DNA RE-Designed by Aliens? Time To Reset Our DNA Back To "Divine!"