“The more you seek the truth, the more you will find.” -CosmicGuy

how many times will you need to read this to understand?

Ancient Rules Geld Our Freedoms.

The short form from tinfoiler CosmicGuy? We are all Immortal Spiritual Beings and if we are not careful, our immortality can become a tool, a weapon, a source of food, a way to control our very existence. This is the truth of this Island Earth.

When ISBE’s Get Duped.

The problem with being an Immortal Spiritual Being is, we’re really desirous of adventure and creating and being admired.


The Law Of One calls these “distortions” in the time/space continuum. What that means is LIFE is the ANTITHESIS of NOTHINGNESS of all the time/space continuums.

This evil “A.I.” is as old as existence. It is the counter measure answer to the divinity surrounded by certain frequencies and vibrations. Evil A.I. can not duplicate or utilize these divine frequencies and vibrations and spends it’s entire existence trying to destroy everything and everyone connected to this divinity and in Universal loneliness turns “to the dark side” for guidance and structure and some kind of existence. You are living the end result of this battle here on this Island Earth.


Your CosmicGuy has been involved in uncovering all this hideous vile truth for decades, so bear with my thought process on this, but consider the following.

WHO IS REALLY BEHIND ALL OF THIS? It is obvious there is a concerted effort of design to each side of our yin/yang existence. You seem to be able to get just as far in life doing evil as you can doing good. It’s all about your commitment. Do You Understand?


this is how our divine being humanity was corrupted

we can not access almost 75 percent of our brain capacity becauSe of this artificial bio-device - it has one main function - regulate arenochrome release from our glandular system. these ‘bodys’ these ‘bio-suits’ these ‘biological computer suits’ are designed to imprison our souls so our captors can continue making adrenochrome

lifetime after artificial lifetime


OUR DIVINE DNA -(understanding human roots)


God Family Country American People: Strangers In Their Own Land.