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Phil Schneider Exposes: Dulce Base

this man will always be the one this CosmicGuy reveres as the human that first revealed a “thing” called a Deep Underground Military Base (D.U.M.B.) hence he opened the gates of hell for us to peek into, and lo and behold there were our missing children.

What goes on in D.U.M.B.’s stays in D.U.M.B.’s…most of the time…until a man of conscience comes forward with a story and a truth so dark it could only take place deep underground. The Dulce, New Mexico Deep Underground Military Base.

Greetings everyone and anyone reading these words. This particular chop shop expose’ is going to begin a bit differently in that this whole underground Dulce Base and the rampant genetics experiments, the decades long uneasy alliance between ET races, several of which are our mortal enemies everywhere else in the damned galaxy….think about that folks. It’s business as usual for humans selling out humans not only right in front of our eyes, but underneath our feet and out in friggin’ space many of you know nothing about….yet…not the real solar system we are part of with over 40 planets not 8 or 9…This CosmicGuy, as my path unraveled through the years has somehow had all this tinfoil and conspiracy theory gravitate towards me with a message of truth buried in it. No exception was in the late 80’s I was off the rock-n-roll road hamster wheel and married with children. I was in the satellite technology field about to launch my version of a computer career when I was channel surfing on a Saturday night already bored with the weekly staple show on at midnight I found a show on local tv (Central PA) call E.T. Monitor with Robert D. Barry, or Bob as he liked to be called when you were friends. It was the first and only show I had ever even heard of talking about anything at all to do with real UFO stories and crashes and landings and real close encounters all the stuff of conspiracy theory and tinfoil I was already up to my eyeballs in it with my own research and intense curiosity, but there was no real Internet access for me yet, I was living in stone knives and bearskins world with a 286 desktop with 512k of RAM and a 16 color CGA monitor. My first connection speed to the Internet around 1991 was a 2400 baud moDem. Slower than molasses in winter time, but I digress. When my new friend Bob and I began sharing stories, i realized he was lightyears beyond me when it came to knowing very real details and actually knowing the people involved not only with the crash of that UFO (2 of them) in July of 1947 in Roswell, NM. He was in World War 2 as none other than an accordion player traveling with Bob Hope and his band in those USO tours entertaining troops. He got to know some real heavy-weights when it came to “old school” pre-Military Industrial Complex officers in all branches of our military, He shared with me so many things, and I remember almost every single one, but there was always one that held a special albeit disturbing place with me that concerned a place so diabolically evil in how it got set up, the price humanity has paid, which can never be accurately calculated is the loss of that very humanity through levels of DNA spicing and manipulating that is beyond any science we understand. We didn’t create us. They did. It looks as though there are 6 major ET groups involved in our “continued evolution” according to their own designs. This was a contact, a bargain if you will made with one of our Presidents (Eisenhower) in exchange for the usual. Advanced Technologies. In return our government would turn a ‘blind eye’ to anything and everything associated with what goes on deep underground in the Mojave’ Desert. Humans of Earth now you are getting closer to what we as a race of beings faces if we want to join the Federation. We have to clean all the ET’s out of our society and blast these underground facilities and cement them into the ground forever as a tomb and remembrance to all the uncounted humans that met fates no living being deserves. Abomination beyond the scope of mortal mans ability to comprehend.

there’s commerce going on down there too.

this is the armorlux flashgun phil spoke of.



Underground Bases, UFO's and Aliens: The Late Phil Schneider, a retired US government geologist, talks about his days building deep underground bases for the government - over 131 in the USA, one mile or more down, the involvement with alien technology, samples of elements up to atomic #140 are shown. The advanced stealth technology involves the use of alien metals.

This is the last known video made of Phil Schneider while he was still alive. It was made in November 1995. He was found dead less than two months later. He talks about his days building underground bases for the US government and grey aliens.

Phil Schneider is one of the many UFO researchers that have died over the last few years under mysterious circumstances. Phil died on January 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck, his death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide.

Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life. He had stated publicly he was a marked man and did not expect to live long. "If I ever 'commit suicide'," Schneider told a close friend, "I'll have been murdered."


Uneasy Alliances Ended In Death.